If u want to send me comments, opinions, and most important new arguments and material about models / new faces (well, good music advices are welcome too!), feel welcome to write me at:
I’ll answer everyo… well, I’ll answer the most I can! Btw, I promise, I’ll read everything, I’ll give a lot of space to interesting suggestions you’ll send me and “U SEND I POST” will be a very important part of “IS THIS IT?”.

PS FOR AGENCIES - maybe better underline and remind what I usually write: Feel free to send me material if you want, agencies' mails and updates are always welcome (well, if they're not like: "Write what we want or we're going to kidnap your cat"! haha, or something like that…).

May 10, 2010

Laine R. @ Elle Russia May 2010

This is just about this Elle issue, but a little trying to avoid some other mails (…), a little 'cause it just pleases me to, I have to say I saw Laine at Zara site too


a pretty good lookbook.

And now, in Elle Russia, this:


With some really interesting shots.


Ok, bad thing: in its entirety, a comparison with Sasha M. editorial in the same issue is unrealistic.
Good thing: I honestly have to admit that, if I erase all my early expectations about this “once upon a time Ford fresh adorable (and for me: hugely promising) new face” (well, let’s pretend that’s possible), all I can think about this is pretty good.

Nothing great, but agreeable and well done; and Laine is just perfect in this luminous face / marked eye make-up , doing what she has to do (about posing) divinely. Yes, pretty good.